a few words about sculpture


The first material that the sculptor uses is space. There are three types of space. They are - The space in our body, the cultural space and the natural space.
The space in our body is always with us but can never be seen. This space includes not only our internal physic but also our memories, imagination and thoughts.
The second is the cultural space. This is the space humans build around themselves. They do so in order to define a closed space, protected from the elements. This space can be used for various purposes.
The third is the natural space. This is an infinite space, ever expanding into space. The sculptor can grasp it only as far as his eye can see.
The sculptor creates his art by shifting constantly between three of these spaces.

The sculptor creates his art using materials and is free to use any of them. There are many materials in the world but all come down to 50 basic components. These Materials are ones that can be touched or seen and materials which are invisible.
The visible materials are found in nature or materials designed by humans.
The invisible materials are for instance - space, gases, sound, light, energy and fragrance.
Every material has a life span before it transforms into something else, some have a longer time span than a human's life time and some are shorter. The Only material that has a human life span is the sculptor's body. It is the sculptor's choice what he wants to do with these facts.
It is the relationship the sculptor has with a material which will define the art piece created.

Collecting and Hunting
Materials are the sculptor's food which he consumes and transforms.

A sculptor organizes reality. The reason he does this is because he cannot comprehend or accept reality as it is. He is driven by the notion that if he organizes reality he will feel part of it.
He organizes reality by taking materials he has chosen and relating to them. He might choose to categorize materials, create a composition of several materials, create a new form from a variety of materials or physically act on a material in order to change it. Even if he puts materials in a large chaotic pile, by detaching them from one place and putting them in another he has acted to organize.
In all of these cases he will organize reality in a new way, by doing so he will succeed creating a new meaning.
The paradox of organizing reality by creating a sculpture is that the sculpture is sucked after a short while back into the chaotic reality and the sculptor is driven to create another one.

In order to create art the sculptor must be passionate towards life. The creation of art is the way to find this passion and keep it going though the art piece created is merely a by product of this passion. The sculptor's hope is that this by product will give the incentive to others to be passionate about life.
While creating a sculpture the sculptor should strive to reach a point where he is genuinely curious and interested at what is happening. The sculptor when feeling that he/she is dancing, laughing and singing he/she will experience the joy of a great piece evolving.
Passion to life means passion to life with its ups and downs. Suffering is part of life and one can be passionate towards it by accepting it and trying to change it.
One can deal with boredom and banality but the sculpture should never be boring or banal.
One can deal with criticism but the sculptor should never let the criticism influence his passion.


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